Muziek op het water

Muziek op het water

Muziek op het water

Muziek op het water, vanaf het water. 15 en 16 september 2017, Korte Haven, Schiedam.

Location & Information

Where Can I Park?

You can park your car at the north end of the Shindig Park. When you arrive, you will see signs pointing this out.

Box Office Hours

The box office opens at 8:00am which is before the doors open to the venue. We recommend coming early to reserve.

Refund Policy

We offer full refunds up to 24 hours before the Shindig festival. After that, no refund can be issued.


We are a pet friendly festival. Feel free to bring one pet person to the Shindig Festival!

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Editie 2017


fotografie: Tino Snelleman

Editie 2016


Editie 2015



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